1. Drink plenty of water. Staying hydrated is absolutely necessary to keep toxins flushing out of your body. Carry a bottle of water around with you that you can refill throughout the day, and never leave the house without it. If you are feeling thirsty, then you're already experiencing the first sign of dehydration. Catch it before it catches you!
2. Wash your face before you go to bed and when you wake up in the morning. Never go to bed wearing makeup! Work up a habit to get yourself performing the same cleansing routine every night and every morning. Pillows can be a nesting ground for bacteria, so this is one of the most important steps to beautiful skin.
3. Moisturize. Washing your face regularly can sometimes cause the skin to become dry. Its best to have both a day and night time moisturizer, but something is better than nothing. You can select a moisturizer that caters to your skin type (dry, dry combination, or oily) to help prevent your moisturizer from being counterproductive. Wait about 5 minutes after you wash to moisturize.
5. Exercise. Getting your blood pumping is going to rejuvenate the skin, giving it that beautiful glow. Try not to exercise wearing makeup.
7. Use sun screen. You may have strong desires for that dark tanned look now, but if you care at all about how your skin is going to look later on down the road I strongly advice you resist them.
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