bleaching dark skin
How to Bleach Dark Skin
If you have birthmarks, moles or other skin blemishes that you find unsightly, consider using a bleaching agent to lighten the pigment of the skin. There are multiple products on the market that can be applied to the skin, and after repeated treatments, the skin's color will actually lighten because of the bleaching of your skin. Most products used for this sort of treatment contain kojic acid.
1.Purchase a skin bleaching agent that has kojic acid in it. This is one of the most important ingredients in any skin bleaching product. You do not need a prescription to purchase a product such as this.
2.Put on your rubber gloves. All bleaching products are applied topically to the skin, and you don't want to bleach your hands as well.
3.Squirt a small amount of the skin bleaching product on your fingertips, and rub it into the area of your skin you want bleached. Repeat this process twice a day, once at morning and once at night.
4.Continue this process for as long as you want the skin to have a lighter pigmented look. If you stop, your skin will eventually return to its normal color because of the skin regenerating itself.
Black women bleaching their skin to be light.